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My experience of panic attacks is individual to me-we are all different and will experience different versions of what amounts to the same diagnosis. I thought I was dying! Drastic I know-but what started as difficulty in catching my breath-I became aware of my breathing, not normal,we don't think when we breath we just breathe!


My chest is tight, my heart begins to race, I am getting scared....very scared, I look in the car mirror, my eyes are uncontrollably twitching, this really freaks me out.....I make a decision.....I'm having a stroke, perhaps a heart attack too...I'm on my way out!!  I begin to feel faint, I desperately need to pull over....


I do eventually pull into A & E and feeling weak, unable to walk tall, shaking, I present myself to the receptionist. I try to be normal, she asks my name, my details, at this point I can hardly talk, I become disorientated but explain myself somehow. Eventually I'm asked to take a seat in a very packed waiting room, I can hardly believe what she is my mind, I am dying!!I attempt to do as she asks but once in the waiting room I am so mixed up I'm not actually sure what I'm meant to do, I see two seats and remember I am to sit! 


At this point I suffer with Laryngospasm, this is where the vocal cords seize up and close blocking my airway completely leaving me unable to breath full stop, I emit the most horrendous noises as air struggles to pass through my throat into my lungs! I soon jump the queue and a wheelchair arrives and I'm whisked around the back and seen to immediately. Diagnosis - 'Panic Attack'.  I went home embarrassed, exhausted and weak. Now I knew what it was, I was quite sure it wouldn't happen again, I mean if it did, I could tell myself what it was, reason with myself and it would dissipate surely! Not the case!! It did happen, again and again and again..not as drastically as the first time but it affected everything. I didn't want to drive any real distance as it really like to kick in then, I didn't want to be in the company of others in case it happened in front of them, I didn't like to do a lot of normal everyday things!


I found Andrea to be really professional and calming, as embarressed as I was to enter her sanctuary she made me feel immediately at ease, the threatened tears and huge lump in my throat dissolved as she gently asked me to fill in a couple of forms, nothing taxing, name and brief reason for visit etc. I thought when I enetered her comfortable space I would find it hard to talk and explain myself, my weakness, this ridiculous behaviour, this unknown territory I found myself in. I was convinced I would start again with another panic attack, what if it happens in front of her, what if i can't breathe!! I needn't have worried, her manner, her presense, her demeanour was powerful and my mind didn't wander and I focused on what she said.


We talked for a while, an easy flow, an understanding on her part-I felt comfortable, within a short while I relaxed enough to trust. I wont explain the whole session but it was an interesting experience, I can honestly say I entered what i can only describe as being deep within myself, a very personal level of just being, it was an emotional and warm expereince.


Andrea gives 100%, a powerful energy and i left with a new found knowledge of how to break a cycle of my own terror.


My parting words to Andrea were "I hope it works" She said "It will"!


I left and practised some of the things she had taught me...ways to break the cycle of events that generally occur within a Panic Attack.


I practised all of the way home in the car, I awoke in the morning and practised this new thought process in all readiness for when that next panic attack may desscend. And one did, it tried to unsettle me, but I was armed and i kicked in with my new found knowledge, i changed my thought process, I halted it, my brain took a diffrent route, a route that put me in control!! "I am in Control"


It has now been five months since my visit with Andrea and I wanted to be sure in the knowledge that all was well. I am delighted to say that my session into what was unknown territory for me, something I was so unsure of, something perhaps I thought wouldn't help has helped me enormously! Panick Attacks still try to creep up on me if I'm anxious about something perhaps but I use my knowledge that Andrea gave me, I feel my breathe, I notice, I act, I conquer.


I would wholeheartedly recommend Andrea Lindsay, she is quite amazing and I am so very grateful to her for giving me back a sense of normality again in my life.



Hi Andrea Thank you for the session we had on Saturday. It is amazing how different I feel now I’m back in work. I couldn’t really gauge my new outlook and how effective your techniques were on me but I do definitely feel a lot calmer. I have been practicing your anchor techniques but so far I have felt too calm to use it. I think I was so wrapped up in myself that I was in need of a mental shake and give me a clear perspective. There will be some times in the next few weeks that I feel will test me but just thinking of those times scares and panics me but I feel a bit more confident and generally feel that I should just brace myself go for it. I think if I can just keep my cool in these presentations and not suffer a panic attack I will be ok. Thank you again for giving me so much more positive energy in my life, not only that you have given me hope - I cannot thank you enough.


It has been 12 weeks this Friday since I visited you, and I have lost 1 stone 12 lbs without any real effort. I am still not snacking or even wanting chocolate, biscuits etc, and have been very good with my eating overall. My colleague at work says she is now bored with me saying no to choc and cakes as it makes her feel bad. I started running 2 weeks after coming to you and am now running 5 miles in less than an hour 3 times a week. So much so I have booked in for my first race on Friday which is 8km. I still want to lose 7lb a day but realise that wouldn’t stay off. I get disheartened when it’s only 1 or 2lb but when I look back at the overall results it keeps me going. Most importantly I still want to keep going and am quite happy. I am dreaming of the day when it's 5 stone lost. Thanks for all your help it was without any doubt down to you as the change is so drastic but comfortable I just only hope I can get to goal!!!


You treated me and my partner to help us stop smoking just over 3 weeks ago. I thought I’d just drop you a quick email to say that it has been a complete success! Neither of us has ‘caved in’ to the habit and we have enjoyed a few nights out drinking as well as a holiday without even thinking about touching a cigarette. Many thanks for helping us to change our lives for the better! I wish you every success in the future. SMOKING Just to say that I am still not smoking after 6 weeks of seeing you. I must admit it has felt very different not smoking in a very good way. The first week it felt and seemed as if there was something missing, of course the cigarette, didn’t miss it though. As soon as the thought was there it immediately disappeared almost as if I had never smoked. I have also had a few strange occurrences, only in the first few weeks of not smoking, when just starting to wake whilst in bed, the picture of myself smoking a cigarette would suddenly fill me with total disgust that I would shout it out. Whatever way I look at it I would not of been able to succeed to say no without your help so thank you. My son gives me more hugs and kisses now because he says I don’t stink anymore, which is a fantastic incentive to carry on. My husband and my son are both extremely proud of me for doing this and I am of myself, so again thank you, your work is tremendous and I have certainly passed you on to others.


"Before I started treatment by hypnotherapy for my OCD, I had sought help on a number of occasions via the NHS. Each of these occasions left me feeling patronised by the psychologists involved. Although skeptical at first about hypnotherapy, as I was still suffering from my OCD two years later, I felt I had nothing to lose but to give it a go. I changed my thoughts about this type of therapy instantly. I felt more relaxed, more at ease with discussing my problems, and that Andrea really understood how I was feeling. I used to dread going to see the psychologist but look forward to my visits to Andrea. Even after my first session I felt more in control of my OCD than I had for a long time. I'm not cured yet but I feel so much more hopeful than before. I am so glad I sought this alternative treatment, rather than go back again on another NHS waiting list or take prescribed medication which only masks the problem rather than addresses it. I just wish that this therapy could be more widely acknowledged by the NHS as a genuine course of treatment."


I have a 13 year old child who was diagnosed as having Asperger's Syndrome at the age of 11. For anyone who has read "Curious Incident of the Dog in the Night" you will have some idea of what life is like for an Aspie child. My child is high functioning (bright) and in mainstream school but there the likeness between my child and other "normal" children ends. The world is a confusing and difficult place when you don't understand body language and can't make eye contact. My child constantly worries about things and exam time and back to school are particularly stressful. As exam time approaches the meltdown begins resulting in even more withdrawal from the world. My child became so desperate that we discussed whether hypnotherapy would help. I was sceptical but my child was so unhappy I felt we had nothing to lose. I went on-line to get a list of accredited hypnotherapists in my area and after looking at Andrea Lindsay of Halo Hypnotherapy's details I gave her a call. I explained the situation and made an appointment. Andrea did research into Asperger's and told me that although she could not change the underlying condition she would be able to help my child with coping mechanisms. I can only say that it has made the big difference to my child's life. Whenever there is a stressful situation on the horizon I book a session with Andrea and once the visit is over my child becomes relaxed and able to cope with what is happening. It has been so successful that with Andrea's help my child started horse riding last year, a miracle in itself for a child that wouldn't go near animals before. Andrea herself inspires confidence and her gentle demeanour relaxes and encourages my child to discuss problems so that the session is geared to dealing with those particular worries. Andrea is, I believe, unusual in that she will help children and, for someone who was a sceptic I now know that she is very good at what she does."


Hi Andrea, This is just a courtesy email to say thank you for your help with my son. He is doing really well, and is managing his temper much better. He is doing better at school, and has stayed out of trouble. I imagined that he would just forget his session with you, but it really has made an impression on him. I would like to say a big thank you, as your help is the first thing that has made a real difference. My son feels that if at any time he needs to see you again in the future, he will do so. I am extremely grateful!


Hiya, Thank you so much for helping me, I've got a cute picture of Sid the Spider, he needs colouring in though! Yesterday at the BBQ at my mum and dad's, not only did I sit outside with everyone else (when it wasn't raining!) instead of hiding indoors on "safe" chairs, but I didn’t get anyone to check them beforehand, and I didn’t look myself either, just sat. It's such a simple thing but it's made me feel so much better, I didn't make a spectacle of myself in front of everyone. Also, when a hilarious prankster decided it was funny to tell me a spider was on my chair behind me, I calmly asked if they were serious and waited until they told me they were hysterical turning around and squealing!!! My biggest accomplishment however is the shed! The shed at the bottom of my parent's garden is hidden by a rockery full of bushes and the shed itself is full of furniture, old bits of wood, tools and random stuff, it's not regularly entered and i have been terrified of it for about 13 years, i don't think I’ve stepped foot in the shed since about 10 years ago and for the last 5 years I haven’t even been past the rockery. In the shed is a huge freezer and mum had some stuff to put in there, i was helping clear the kitchen and made a pile of freezer stuff, which i handed to Andre. He looked at me and said "well, you’re not scared anymore, so why don't you take them down yourself?" front of everyone. My sister came with me but refused to come in, and somehow my body seemed to belong to someone else, I marched straight down the garden, past the rockery, to the door, opened the door, took some breaths and went inside, put the bread in and came out, I even locked the door behind me without freaking about what I'd just done, i just wish everyone had watched but Lucas was being cute so the focus was on him, ha ha! I'm amazed that I did that, and I'm so grateful to you for helping me be able to do simple things again. I know I still have work ahead of me but I'm feeling so confident that I can do this! Thank you so much, if you ever need a customer review or something to say how amazing you are at what you do, you can count on me! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!

HALO Therapies

92-94 Castle Lane West





Tel: 01202 859695

Mob: 07855 354388

The office is located above a shop called Bainton Flooring, which is in the parade of shops between the Kwik Fit Garage and Coop Petrol Station on Castle Lane.  Come in through Bainton's shop door, this will bring you into a small foyer with a door ahead of you signed Halo Therapies.  Please ring the doorbell and the door will be answered.


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